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21 ;" " 16 y;" for the next question " 16 x;"SPACE"; 14 x;"ENTER"; 10 y;" to rerun thisprogramme" 10 y;" to goto BASIC" 10 y;" to auto-load programme "; 10 x;"Press r then ENTER"; 10 x;"Press n then ENTER"; 10 f$="End of "+h$: 10 ;"THIS PROGRAMME" 10 ;"RETURNING TO BASIC DESTROYS"; 9 x;"Undefined key please re-select" 9 x;"Press y to return to BASIC"''"Press any other key to abort" 9 x;"Press b then ENTER"; 9 x;" Press any key to continue "; 9 k$=k$+i$(n) 9 f$=" STOP THE TAPE ": 9 f$=" START THE TAPE ": 9 UDG 9 ;"Programme Content" 9 STOP THE TAPE v 9 CELTIC REVISION SOFTWARE" 8 y;" please try again " 8 y;" Please try again" 8 y;" " 8 x;"Undefined key?"; 8 x;"Undefined Key ?"; 8 x;"Please select your answer"; 8 f$="CORRECT": 8 e;"e ";e$ 8 d;"d ";d$ 8 c;"c ";c$ 8 b;"b ";b$ 8 a;"a ";a$ 8 ;"Please leave tape running" 8 ;"MATHEMATICS EXAMINATION PRACTICE"; 8 ;"AND TESTS": 7 y;" to rerun this question" 7 y;" for answer explanation" 7 x;"Wrong-Correct answer is ";w$;" ";: 7 x;"Answer explanation follows";: 7 ques,a$,b$,c$,d$,e$,w$,s 7 M.G. Fincher 4 f$="Cancel": 4 "'" 5" 4 "","","","","" 3 f$="Simplify": 2 t;"XZ=PR." 2 r;"XY=PQ, "; 2 M. G. Fincher 2 ;p$'"Sin";q$; 2 ;"[";s(k);" marks]" 2 ;"The area of a 2 ;"4m(3m-2) - 4m(2m-3)" 2 ;"3p+8q = -5 ...(2)" 2 ;"30-y 25-y" 2 ;"2(3m-4) - 3(2-5m) = 7" 2 ;" ": 2 ,"","","","","","d",6600 2 "equation" 2 "When simplified" 1 z;"Money is invested when it isused to buy shares in a businessor loaned or put in a specialbank account. "; 1 z;" is the"; 1 z;" is the moneypaid for goods, and the "; 1 z;" is the money obtainedwhen the goods are sold. If theselling price is greater than the cost price a profit is made.If the selling price is less than the cost price, a loss is made. The "; 1 z;" and is the money obtained by investing `100 for 1 year. An interest rate of 15%means that `100 invested for 1 year earns `15 and becomes `115 The interest for 2 years would be `30." 1 z;" is always calculated on the cost price." 1 y;''"e) `8"; 1 y;''"c -1 0"''"d -5 -2"''"e -1 1" 1 y;'"c y=kx+c(k=negative c=negative)"'"d y=kx+c(k=positive c=negative)"'"e y=kx+c(k=positive c=positive)" 1 y;'"-3 9 3 -6 6"'"-2 4 2 -6 0" 1 y;"x2x7x11" 1 y;"x2x2x7" 1 y;" c) 1 y;" 96" 1 y;" 49" 1 xLPxh"'" 2" 1 xLNxh = 14cm 1 x=1 or Cos 1 x;"Wrong-Correct answer is ";w$(k);" ";: 1 x;"Undefined key 1 x;"Time allowed - 1hr 30min." 1 x;"Presw b then ENTER"; 1 x;"Press y to return to BASIC"/'"Press any other key to abort" 1 x;"Press y for yes"''"Any other key for no." 1 x;"OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS": 1 x;"OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS CONTINUED": 1 x;"INSTRUCTIONS" 1 x;"Answer all questions" 1 x2400 = `300 ]"; 1 x2400 = `1200"; 1 x = 9 - 9Sin 1 x = 9 1 usr defined graphics 1 tests 1 section 7 1 section 6 r' 1 section 5 2C 1 section 4 1 section 3 1 section 2 q 1 section 1 1 s$="-9pq": 1 s$="-6pq": 1 s$=" Hypotenuse LM" 1 r$="+3pq": 1 r$="+2pq": 1 r$=" Side adjacent LN" 1 p;"YZ=QR, "; 1 p$=" Side opposite MN" 1 o rerun this question" 1 n$=" START THE TAPE ": 1 mark=mark+s(k) 1 lease re-select" 1 l$="exec": 1 fy ";l$;" O.K." 1 from M = 050 1 f$="Try the factors of 6 as 3x2 and -3 as-3x1": 1 f$="Try the factors of 6 as 2x3 and -3 as-3x1": 1 f$="This can be checked by changing to denary numbers.": 1 f$="Therefore the answer is": 1 f$="Take square roots of both sides": 1 f$="Substitute p=1 in equation (1)": 1 f$="Simplify numerator": 1 f$="Simplify numerator bracket, formmultiply bracket in denominator": 1 f$="Simplify numerator Cancel in denominator": 1 f$="Select and apply the appropriateformula": 1 f$="Progressively divide the baseinto the number": 1 f$="Obtain the value of one eighth of the total no. of students": 1 f$="Obtain all possible factors of 6 and -3.": 1 f$="Multiply both sides of equation (1) by 4.": 1 f$="Make vulgar fractions in multiply form": 1 f$="INSTRUCTIONS": 1 f$="Form vulgar fractions in the denominator.": 1 f$="Form vulgar fractions in the numerator, simplify denominator": 1 f$="Form multiply and cancel in numerator,simplify denominator": 1 f$="Enter on the diagram the No. of pupils who study two subjects": 1 f$="Draw the perpendicular of height h": 1 f$="Convert each binary number to its decimal equivalent": 1 f$="Convert denary 35 to binary": 1 f$="Confirm the equation by reading the values of y for x=-2 to 2.": 1 f$="Complete the square on the left hand side.": 1 f$="Check": 1 f$="Calculate the value of y" 1 f$="Calculate the journey times": 1 f$="Calculate the No. of pupils who study a single subject": 1 f$="Calculate the value of the constant k": 1 f$="Apply the formula" 1 f$="Add equations (2) and (3).": 1 f$="Add brackets": 1 f$=" MATHEMATICS " 1 e;"e) 3"; 1 e;"Subtract" 1 directions& 1 d;"d) `60"; 1 d;"d) a=2, d=3" 1 d;"d 2.46x10 1 d;" 1 c;"c) 2" 1 c;"c) 1"; 1 c;"Divide" 1 b;"b) -1"; 1 b;"b -2 -10"; 1 b;"b y=kx+c(k=negative c=positive)"; 1 b;"Multiply" 1 b;" 6"; 1 b;" 3 " 1 b;" 14" 1 b;" 1"; 1 a;"Brackets" 1 a$,b$,c$,d$,e$ 1 XOY = 180 1 XOM = 180-60 = 120 1 WXZ, WX=WZ(given)"'" 1 WXZ is an isosceles triangle"'"Hence 1 RNS (sum of 1 QRP"'" 5 18"'" = 1 P, XZ = PR" 1 NSR (alternate"'" 1 NRS (vert."'"opposite 1 NML"'" = 45 1 NLM"'" = 45 1 MOY (alternate"'" 1 MON is isosceles, its base"'" 1 MON is an "'"isosceles 1 MON =120+40 = 160 1 MLN"'"Tan 1 MLN"'" 1"'"= 1 MLN"'" 3"'" = 1 MLN 0.5xLNxh LN"; 1 LMP"'" 1"'"= 1 LMP 0.5xLPxh LP" 1 LMN, MP bisects 1 LMN, LOM is a diameter." 1 LMN = 14cms 1 ;r$'"Cos";q$; 1 ;p$'"Tan";q$; 1 ;"velocity (ms 1 ;"the right of the"; 1 ;"the answer." 1 ;"selling price (SP)"; 1 ;"rate(R)"; 1 ;"rate per cent"; 1 ;"q"''"a 0 1"''; 1 ;"q"'" `600 = `(1000-q) + ` 1 ;"q"'" 600 = 1000-q + 1 ;"q"'" -400 = - 1 ;"profit percent"; 1 ;"plot the graph" 1 ;"please leave tape running" 1 ;"part(ii)": 1 ;"part(i)": 1 ;"part (ii) ";w$(n+1 1 ;"part (i) ";w$(n),"Q";q; 1 ;"m = 60"''"Therefore Z receives `60" 1 ;"m + 3m + 4m = 480" 1 ;"l equals:" 1 ;"kx"'"a y= 1 ;"h"'" Tany 1 ;"enter two 0's to"; 1 ;"e) 2a-u 1 ;"decimal point in"; 1 ;"d) 1 or -3 1 ;"d) 17" 1 ;"d) 10" 1 ;"d BOAT" 1 ;"cost price (CP)"; 1 ;"carry 1111": 1 ;"c) 3p + 6" 1 ;"c) 2 or -1" 1 ;"`91"''"b) `40"; 1 ;"`24"''"c) `3"; 1 ;"You obtained ";mark;" %" 1 ;"Y"''"a) `5"; 1 ;"Y receives ` 1 ;"XY is a diameter of the circle."''" 1 ;"When w=500g,l=5cm. Therefore:": 1 ;"W Z" 1 ;"Variation" 1 ;"Trigonometry"; 1 ;"Total time" 1 ;"Total no. of "'"pupils = 150 "'" "''" 1 ;"Total money = `480" 1 ;"Total distance"; 1 ;"Therefore answer is:": 1 ;"The two triangles in condition 1are congruent because two sides and the included angle are equal" 1 ;"The triangles in condition 3 arecongruent because corresponding sides are equal" 1 ;"The triangles in condition 2 aresimilar because corresponding angles are equal." 1 ;"The shape of the graph is that of the equation y=x 1 ;"The shaded area represents the intersection of the sets X and Y" 1 ;"The shaded area is represented by:" 1 ;"The ratio of areas of similar triangles is equal to the ratio of the squares on"'"corresponding sides" 1 ;"The graph of"'"y=2x-1 is a"'"straight line"'"and only two"'"points need be"'"plotted:" 1 ;"The equation"''"x 1 ;"The equation"'"2x-1=3 is solved"'"by finding the"'"intersection of"'"the graphs"'"y=2x-1 and y=3" 1 ;"The equation for"'"the graph is:" 1 ;"The bisector of an angle in a 1 ;"The area of"'" 1 ;"The acceleration (a) ms 1 ;"T = 2 1 ;"T P" 1 ;"Sum of the marks"; 1 ;"Substitute p=1 in (1)"; 1 ;"Standard Form"; 1 ;"Son's age = 10 years" 1 ;"Simplifying gives the originalequation. Therefore:" 1 ;"Simplify the bracket" 1 ;"Simplify and remove bracket" 1 ;"Simple Interest"; 1 ;"Second part of journey"'"Distance travelled = 60km"'"Time to travel 60km at 20km/h": 1 ;"SPHERE SOFTWARE"; 1 ;"SP - CP" 1 ;"Ratio and Proportion"; 1 ;"Publishers of": 1 ;"Profit = 1 ;"Plot the graph" 1 ;"Percentages"; 1 ;"Parallelogram MNPQ"'"is 18 cm 1 ;"Number of marks" 1 ;"Number Bases": 1 ;"Nothing to multiply" 1 ;"Nothing to add" 1 ;"No. of students = 32 1 ;"No. of pupils"'"who only study" 1 ;"No. of pupils who"'"only study Maths"'"and French = 30-y" 1 ;"No. of pupils "'"who only study"'"French and "'"English = 40-y" 1 ;"No. of pupils "'"who only study"'"English and"'"Maths = 25-y" 1 ;"No. of boys = 1 ;"NR 4"; 1 ;"Multiply both sides of the equation by g" 1 ;"Money received by Y = `4m" 1 ;"Money received by X = `3m" 1 ;"Maths: "'''"=75-(30-y)"'" -y-(25-y)"''"=75-30+y-y-25+y"''"=20+y" 1 ;"MOCK EXAMINATION" 1 ;"MN PN 4" 1 ;"MATHEMATICS EXAMINATION PRACTICE" 1 ;"MAN y 1 ;"Lowest Common Multiple(LCM)"; 1 ;"Let Z receive `m" 1 ;"LP 3"'"Area 1 ;"LN 7" 1 ;"LCM = "; 1 ;"L O M"; 1 ;"L P N"; 1 ;"It is necessary to"; 1 ;"Investigate the ratio LP:LN" 1 ;"Insert Brackets" 1 ;"In triangle LMN" 1 ;"In the following diagram, LOM isa diameter and"'"LN=NM." 1 ;"In the diagram"''"PT is a tangent,"'"TY a diameter"'"of the circle,"'" 1 ;"In the denary system, the place values are 1 ;"In base 10: 1 ;"INSTRUCTIONS CONTINUED" 1 ;"Highest Common Factor(HCF)"; 1 ;"HCF = "; 1 ;"Graphs": 1 ;"Geometry"; 1 ;"From the graph" 1 ;"French"; 1 ;"Fractions"; 1 ;"Form vulgar fractions" 1 ;"Form intermediate step" 1 ;"First work out"'"the values of y"'"for values of x"'"between -3 and 4." 1 ;"Father's age = son's age + 20" 1 ;"Father's age = 3y years" 1 ;"Factorisation" 1 ;"Equations": 1 ;"Equate the total money received with the sum of money received from each type of ticket." 1 ;"English:"'''"=70-(40-y)"'" -y-(25-y)"''"=70-40+y-y-25+y"''"=5+y " 1 ;"English"; 1 ;"EXAMINATION PRACTICE"; 1 ;"Draw the graph": 1 ;"Draw 3 circles"'"to represent the"'"three subjects." 1 ;"Cost Price"; 1 ;"Convert bracket into multiply form" 1 ;"Calculate the"'"value of 1 ;"CP - SP" 1 ;"CP - 1320" 1 ;"CLIFF h"; 1 ;"CELTIC REVISION AIDS" 1 ;"Averages"; 1 ;"Average speed = 1 ;"Average mark = 1 ;"Average = 1 ;"Area of 1 ;"Angle NPM is:"''"" 1 ;"Add (2) and (3)"; 1 ;"ANSWERS" 1 ;"AND TESTS"; 1 ;"AND TESTS" 1 ;"A Software product from the": 1 ;"= 45p:180p" 1 ;"= 4(p-q)" 1 ;"= 3(p-q) + (p-q)" 1 ;"= 3(p+2) = 3p + 6" 1 ;"= (3+1)(p-q)" 1 ;"9"'" Tanx= 1 ;"8m = 480" 1 ;"7"'"e) 1 ;"7 7 "; 1 ;"67"'"c) 0"; 1 ;"60"'" Deceleration = 1 ;"60"'" Acceleration = 1 ;"5p = 10" 1 ;"5p - q = 0"'"are" 1 ;"5p - 6 = 4" 1 ;"550 x 15 x 6";," S.I. = ` 1 ;"5.8 - 2.1"' 1 ;"5"'"m is" 1 ;"5 25 7 25"; 1 ;"5 7"; 1 ;"5 81"; 1 ;"4x1-2q = 6" 1 ;"4q+p"," 3q+22p"'"a) 1 ;"4p-2q = 6"; 1 ;"4p-2q = 6 ...(1)"; 1 ;"42)8.4 Answer = 0.2"; 1 ;"4.5 x 0.01 is"' 1 ;"4-2q = 6"'"Subtract 4 from both sides"; 1 ;"4"'"e) 1 ;"4"'"Sinx= 1 ;"4 7 LP 3"'" 1 ;"3y-y = y-y+20" 1 ;"3y = y+20" 1 ;"3p-6 = 4-2p"'"p is:" 1 ;"3p+8q = -5"''"are:" 1 ;"3p - 6"'"e) 1 ;"3p - 6 = 4 - 2p" 1 ;"3p + 2q = -26"' 1 ;"3m - 4 2 - 5m 7" 1 ;"3(p-q) -(q-p)" 1 ;"3(p-q) - (q-p)"''"are" 1 ;"3"'" 25Sin 1 ;"3 3 LN 7" 1 ;"3 4" 1 ;"2y = 20" 1 ;"2q+p"',"d) 1 ;"21m = 21"''; 1 ;"21m - 14 = 7" 1 ;"21m - 14 + 14 = 7 + 14" 1 ;"20 sample test questions": 1 ;"2.5 x 169,820,000"; 1 ;"2(5m-3n) - 3(m-n) =" 1 ;"2"," 3" 1 ;"2"'"x = 1 ;"2"'"e) 1 1 ;"2"'"c) -1 or 1 ;"2"'"b) 1 ;"2"'"a) -3 or 1","b) -5 or - 1 ;"2"'"a) - 1 ;"2 4 4" 1 ;"2 16 2 16" 1 ;"2 2" 1 ;"19p = 19"'"i.e. p = 1" 1 ;"16x5"'"Area 1 ;"16p-8q = 24...(3)"; 1 ;"14xLP"'" 1 ;"11m-5 (3m+3)"' 1 ;"117"'"e) 1 ;"112 = "; 1 ;"110"'"Average speed = 1 ;"10111 = 16 + 0 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 23" 1 ;"1001 +"; 1 ;"100011"; 1 ;"10+y 40-y 5+y"; 1 ;"10 -6"; 1 ;"1"'"e) 24 1 ;"1"'"a) 2 or -2 1 ;"1"'" p = 1 or - 3 1 ;"1 96 "; 1 ;"1 1 3" 1 ;"1 1"; 1 ;"1 6" 1 ;"0.0810 in standard form is" 1 ;"0.0084"; 1 ;"0.00468": 1 ;"0 30 70 90(sec)"; 1 ;"-the principal(P)"; 1 ;"-6 -6 -6" 1 ;"-4 -2 0 2 4x" 1 ;"-3x1, -1x3" 1 ;"-2q = 2" 1 ;"-20 = 0" 1 ;"-2 -1 0 1 2x" 1 ;"(p-5)(p+4) = 0" 1 ;"(p-2)(p+1)(3p-2)2" 1 ;"(p q)(p q)" 1 ;"(Y receives `3m = `180)" 1 ;"(X receives `4m = `240)" 1 ;"(3p-2)(p+1)(p-2)(p+2)6" 1 ;"(3p-2)(p+1) 6(p-2)(p+2)"'" = 1 ;"( p q)( p q)" 1 ;" 7-4 "; 1 ;" 3 5 2 4" 1 ;" 2 1 1 1" 1 ;" 14 " 1 ;" Programme Index and Content" 1 ;" At the beginning of SIDE TWO": 1 ;" At the beginning of SIDE ONE.": 1 ;" 7 " 1 ;" 5 "; 1 ;" 2 "; 1 ;" 1-2 " 1 ;" Tany 1 ;" 5 4 " 1 ;" 4 " 1 ;" 3q+22p"'"c) 1 ;" 2 3 "; 1 ;" h "; 1 ;" 3 " 1 ;" 2 "; 1 ;" 2 + 2 1 ;" " 1 ;" 2" 1 ;" 1"; 1 ;" 5 " 1 ;" 4 "; 1 4 + 60 2 1 25"'" = 5" 1 2 to both sides of the equation" 1 17 R1 Therefore:" 1 1034","b",3840 1 ."''"By Pythagoras' theorem"''"LM 1 . It"'"then travels for 10km along"'"ON on a bearing of 040 1 . The distance of the boat from the base of thecliff, vertically below the man is:" 1 -x-6=y forvalues of x=-3 to +4."''"Hence solve the equation"''; 1 -x-6=0."'"x is:" 1 -x-6=0"''"is solved by"'"finding the"'"intersection of"'"the graphs"''"y=x 1 -x-6 and y=0" 1 -p-20 = 0"''"p is:" 1 -p-20 = 0" 1 -4(-3)(5)"'"x = 1 -2x+5=0 a=-3,b=-2,c=5 Therefore" 1 -2x+5 = 0"''"The values of x are:" 1 -2a","b) 1 -2","y = x 1 -2","c",4200 1 -16m","12m 1 -(.5)-6"'" =-6.25" 1 ,this becomestwo numbers and a nought. The number 8 is dropped, but becausethis is greater than 5 the finalanswer is 350 (and not 340)" 1 ,"p=1 q=-1","p=0 q=1","p=1 q=0","p=-1 q=1","p=1 q=1","a",6060 1 ,"`48","`60","`80","`160","`240","b",5030 1 ,"`330","`495","`825","`880","`1045","b",3550 1 ,"`3","`150","`300","`900","`1500","d",4060 1 ,"`212,275","`424,550","`4,245,500","`6,792,800","`8,491,000","c",4030 1 ,"`162","`1320","`1478","`1500","`1584","d",3090 1 ,"9","72","154","462","1386","e",2560 1 ,"64%","85%","45%","66%","50%","d",2560 1 ,"46.8","4.68","0.468","0.0468","0.00468","e",3120 1 ,"400","500","600","800","900","d",5530 1 ,"4","3","105","7","5","a",3060 1 ,"4 :1","1 :4","5 :0.2","2.5:1.0","1 :5","b",3560 1 ,"348.40","348","340","341","350","e",2700 1 ,"3134","3034","3144","1304"," 1 ,"25g","80g","100g","400g","320g","e",4560 1 ,"22km/h","22.5km/h","45km/h","55km/h","110km/h","a",3060 1 ,"200","20","2","0.2","0.02","d",3520 1 ,"20","100","120","95","105","a",8080 1 ,"114","144","160","180","256","e",2930 1 ,"101011","110011","111101","100011","101011","d",4050 1 ,"1","0.6","0.75","0.3","0.8","b",3100 1 ,"1 only","2 only","3 only","1 and 3 only","all of them","d",2570 1 ,"(2p-3q)(3p+q)","(6p-3q)(p+q)","(6p+3q)(p-q)","(2p+3q)(3p-q)","(6p-q)(p+q)","a",4560 1 ,"","","","","","e",7610 1 ,"","","","","","e",6100 1 ,"","","","","","d",4100 1 ,"","","","","","d",3730 1 ,"","","","","","d",3700 1 ,"","","","","","c",7100 1 ,"","","","","","c",5110 1 ,"","","","","","c",3150 1 ,"","","","","","c",2600 1 ,"","","","","","b",2520 1 ,"","","","","","b",2090 1 ," 5 years","10 years","15 years","20 years","25 years","b",4530 1 ," 2 or -3","-2 or 3"," 1 or 0","-1 or 0","-1 or 1","b",3160 1 ," 0"," 1","-1"," 2","-2","d",2660 1 ," 0 or 1","-1 or 1"," 2 or -10"," 1 or -20"," 5 or -4","e",3560 1 ," 5","c) 1","d) 3 1 , and deceleration (d) ms 1 +p-6=0 is" 1 +p-6"'"Hence the value of p in"'""' 1 +bx+c = 0" 1 +2","y = 2x 1 +10p-14 = 0"''"by completing the square. p is:" 1 +10p-14 = 0" 1 )","4(p-q)","2(q-p)","3(q-p)","4(q-p)","b",4060 1 ("line ";n;" of usr graphics"),v 1 'sQRP, RNS"''" 1 's, MN parallel QP)" 1 's, LM parallel to XY)"'" 1 's"'"of a cyclic quad)" 1 's subtended by"'"the same arc, NM, are equal)" 1 's are equal."'"i.e." 1 's QRP and RNS are similar. Usethis to find the area of 1 '"Now"'" 1 "there are 5 places to the right." 1 "their sum is:" 1 "that is 16,8,4,2,1" 1 "perpendicular bisector of XY","line perpendicular to XY at Y","a circle, radius half XY","the bisector of angle XPY","a line parallel to XY" 1 "or (p+4) = 0 and p = -4" 1 "i.e.-(q-p)=-q+p or p-q or +(p-q)" 1 "i.e."'"Bearing of N"'" 1 "i.e. "'" 130+y=150"''" y=20": 1 "i.e. p = 5 or -4" 1 "i.e. q =-1"'"Therefore p=1 q=-1" 1 "exec","section 1",0 1 "e) hCosy 1 "e) a=2, d=1" 1 "directions","section 1" 1 "c) a=1, d=2", 1 "c","b","e","e","b","c","d","a","a","b","d","d","c","c","b","e","b","b","c","c","a","d","b","b","c","b","c","b","e" 1 "a) hTany 1 "a) a=3, d=2","b) a=1, d=1" 1 "`96 is divided between two people X&Y so that the ratio "'""'"money for X : money for Y = 5:3"'""'"The money received by each is:" 1 "`480 is shared between three people x,Y,Z, so that X receives3 times as much as Z, and Y receives 4 times as much as Z.": 1 "`369","`738","`553.50","`73.80","`55.35" 1 "`2400 is divided between three people X,Y,Z in the ratio 4:3:1.Y receives:" 1 "`21.60","`79.20","15p","45p","`136.80" 1 "`1500","`1620","`1980","`2000","`2120" 1 "[X receives ` 1 "XY is a fixed line and a point P moves so that"'; 1 "Without using tables the values of Sinx and Cosx are:" 1 "When x=2 y=6"'"i.e. y= 2 1 "When x=1 y=3"'"i.e. y= 1 1 "When x=0.5"'"y=(.5) 1 "When x=0,y=2"'"Therefore equation"'"is y=x 1 "When x=0,y=-1"'"When x=1,y=1" 1 "When x=-2 y=6"'"i.e. y=(-2) 1 "When x=-1 y=3"'"i.e. y=(-1) 1 "When multiplying decimals, it isnecessary to count the total number of digits (including 0's)to the right of the decimal point. In this example," 1 "When l=4cm,"'' 1 "Weight varies directly as lengthsquared" 1 "Verify code O.K." 1 "Use the equation formula to solve the equation:" 1 "Use a Venn diagram to solve the following:" 1 "Total time = 2+3 = 5h" 1 "Total money received is:"'; 1 "Total distance = 50+60 = 110km" 1 "To complete the square add" 1 "To change 35 to binary, divide successively by 2." 1 "To use this test as a mock examination the answers are displayed at the end of the testotherwise the answers appear after each question." 1 "This equation does not factorizeeasily and it is best to use theformula. For the equation:"''; 1 "Therefore:": 1 "Therefore:"'' 1 "Therefore"''" 9 5 9 5"'" p = 1 "Therefore the signs in the two brackets are different. i.e. oneis negative and the other positive. (If the second sign inthe expression is positive then the signs in the two bracketsare both negative or both positive.)" 1 "Therefore the rates contributionto the hospital is:": 1 "Therefore Z receives" 1 "There are 150 pupils in a school" 1 "Then like terms are collected together." 1 "The weight of a square of fixed thickness varies directly as thesquare of its length." 1 "The volume (V) of a gas varies directly as its temperature (T) and inversely as its pressure(P)"''"When T=288 1 "The second bracket is multipliedby -4m.": 1 "The second sign in the given expression is negative." 1 "The rateable value of a house is`55 and the owner pays `49.50 inrates for the year."'"The rate at which the rates are levied is:" 1 "The rateable value of a city is `169,820,000."'"A rate of 2.5 pence in the `1 isneeded to pay for a hospital."'"The cost of the hospital is:" 1 "The product of p,5p and -2p 1 "The possible factors of -20 are:" 1 "The order of working out is:" 1 "The number of pupils studying all three subjects is" 1 "The negative sign in between thetwo brackets changes the sign inthe second bracket,": 1 "The highest common factor(HCF) of a set of numbers is the biggest number which will divideexactly into each of the given numbers." 1 "The following numbers are to thebase 2,"''" 10111 1001 11" 1 "The first bracket is multiplied by 4m.": 1 "The factors of"''; 1 "The factors of 6 are:"'" 6x1, (-6)x(-1), 2x3, (-2)x(-3)"''"The factors of -3 are:"; 1 "The factors of 6 and -3 must be selected so that -7 is obtained in the middle of the given expression." 1 "The factors of 10p 1 "The factors of "'' 1 "The factors must yield -1. Try -5 and +4 as the factors:" 1 "The expression is 6p 1 "The different combinations have to be tried out"''; 1 "The decimal point is moved on the top and bottom giving:" 1 "The decimal point is moved so that the divisor becomes a wholenumber. In this example:" 1 "The car travels for 10km along"'"MO on a bearing of 060 1 "The average of five numbers = 60"'"The average of another three numbers = 40"'"The average of all eight numbersis:" 1 "The area of"'" 1 "The area of 1 "The addition is:": 1 "The Lowest Common Multiple,LCM, of two or more numbers is the smallest number into which each of the numbers will divide exactly.": 1 "The LCM of 2,3,6 = 6" 1 "The LCM of 18,63 and 99 is:" 1 "The HCF of 24,60 and 112 is" 1 "The values of p and q in the simultaneous equations:" 1 "The values of p&q in the simultaneous equations"'""' 1 "The sum of the angles of a hexagon is:" 1 "The simple interest on `550 invested at 15% for 6 years is:" 1 "The number of students is divided into 8 parts. 5 of these parts are girls and theremaining 3 parts are boys. Thus" 1 "The number of people who attended painting, writing and pottery classes was:" 1 "The money is divided into 8 parts (the sum of 4+3+1) and Y receives 3 of these parts." 1 "The mathematics revision and test tape is arranged as eightseparately loadable programmes.The first of these programmes (which you are running now) gives all the details relevantto the tape." 1 "The marks are 64%,80%,75%,45%,50%,56%,85% and 73%."''"There are 8 marks and they add up to 528%." 1 "The equation"'"for this graph"'"could be:" 1 "The answer cannot contain a number greater than or equal to the base. In this example,the answer can contain 0,1,2,3,or4." 1 "Text by E.J. Perkins,B.Sc.(Hons)M.Ed.(Wales),F.B.I.M." 1 "Tests","directions",29 1 "Tests -20 sample questions" 1 "T = Number of years money is invested (6 years)" 1 "Subtract y from both sides" 1 "Subtract u 1 "State the information given in the form A=B. X receives 3 timesas much as Z." 1 "State the information given in the form A=B" 1 "Solve the equation"''; 1 "Solve by factorizing, the equation:": 1 "Simplify 3q+5p q-4p"' 1 "Simple interest (S.I.) is calculated using the equation:" 1 "Side two contains ""section 5"",""section 6"", ""section 7"" and ""tests""." 1 "Selling Price"; 1 "Section 7-Geometry,Trigonometry,Sets" 1 "Section 7","tests",11 1 "Section 6-Graphs" 1 "Section 6","section 7",4 1 "Section 5-Equations" 1 "Section 5","section 6",11 1 "Section 4-Factorisation,LCM,HCF" 1 "Section 4","section 5",6 1 "Section 3-Averages, Speed, Ratioand Proportion, Variation." 1 "Section 3","section 4",5 1 "Section 2-Simple Interest,Rates Percentages,Cost & Selling Price" 1 "Section 2","section 3",4 1 "Section 1-Fractions, Standard Form, Number Bases." 1 "Section 1","section 2",8 1 "Remove the brackets and simplify"'' 1 "Remember"''"X 1 "Remember" 1 "Remember that both terms on the left hand side must be multiplied by 6.": 1 "Rates are levied by Local Authorities. The money is used to provide amenities (libraries,roads etc). Rateable value ofproperty (decided by the local District Valuer) depends on locality, size and use, and is not the same as its market value."'"The rate is calculated as so much in the `1 of the rateable value." 1 "Rateable value of city " 1 "Rate = 2.5 x 169,820,000 pence": 1 "REWIND TAPE AND RE=CONNECT TO VERIFY SAVE OF ";l$ 1 "R = Rate of interest (15%)" 1 "Programme by M.G. Fincher, B.Sc (Hons) Elec. Eng." 1 "Plot the graph of y=2x-1. Hence solve the equation 2x-1=3."'"x is:" 1 "Plot the graph of x 1 "Percentage is a fraction in which the denominator is 100": 1 "P = Principal (`550)" 1 "On side one of the tapethe programmes ""directions"" , ""section 1"" , ""section 2"" , ""section 3"" and ""section 4"" are recorded." 1 "Numerator and denominator are simplified in successive steps. In the denominator it is clearerif brackets are added as part ofthe working out.": 1 "Number the equations (1) and (2)" 1 "Now"'" LN = LP+PN" 1 "Now MO=ON (given)"'" 1 "Now LN = NM"'"(given)"''" 1 "Multiply both sides of the equation by 6.": 1 "Money received from q tickets at 50 pence each = 50q pence." 1 "Money received from (1000-q) tickets at `1 each = `(1000-q)"'"Money from q 50p tickets =`q 1 "MN produced meets"'"QR at S" 1 "Let the number"'"of pupils who"'"study all 3"'"subjects = y" 1 "Let distance of boat from base of rock = d" 1 "LM=3cm, MN=4cm" 1 "L,M,N,O,P are five points on thecircumference of a circle in that order."'" 1 "It is necessary to eliminate p or q from the equations." 1 "It is important to state the information given, if possible, in the form A=B. It is best to begin with the quantity you haveto find, in this example, the age of the son." 1 "Interest is the profit made by investing money"; 1 "In this example, a loss is made,and the second equation is used." 1 "In this equation all p's are collected on the left hand side.Remember that it is essential todo the same thing to both sides." 1 "In this example the division must be worked out first. It ismade easier by putting bracketsaround the part to be worked outfirst. The whole sum must be kept together.": 1 "In the equation"; 1 "In the equation"'""' 1 "In the equation" 1 "In the binary system, the place values are 1 "In the "'"following"'"k & c are"'"constants" 1 "In base 5: 1 "In a school, five-eighths of thestudents are girls and there are96 boys. The total number of students in the school is:" 1 "If the square weighs 500g when its length is 5cm, the weight ofa square of length 4cm is" 1 "If the selected answer is wrong the sample answer is displayedautomatically." 1 "If k = 4x10 1 "Graphs intersect"'"at x = 2 " 1 "Graphs cut at"'"x=-2 and x=3"''" 1 "Given 3"; 1 "From the graph the car accelerates from 0 to 60 ms 1 "French:"'''"=80-(30-y)"'" -y-(40-y)"''"=80-30+y-y-40+y"''"=10+y" 1 "Form the square" 1 "Following the selection of the correct answer you can move to the next question by pressing SPACE, or run the sample answer by pressing ENTER." 1 "First part of journey"'"Distance travelled =50km"'"Time to travel 50km at 25km/h": 1 "Factorize each expression first:": 1 "Factorize and hence simplify": 1 "Factorize p 1 "Errors can be erased by pressingDELETE (caps shift and 0)": 1 "Either (p-5) = 0 and p = 5" 1 "Each number is expressed in its prime factors." 1 "Each question contains five possible answers. To select the correct answer press a,b,c,d or e(as appropriate) then ENTER." 1 "Each programme can be loaded independently in the normal wayby loading the programme names given above." 1 "Do you wish to use this test as a mock examination? "''; 1 "Do the same thing to both sides of the equation.": 1 "Divide throughout by 4 1 "Divide the equation by 4" 1 "Divide both sides of the equation by 2a" 1 "Cost price = `1500" 1 "Cost of red pen:Cost of blue pen " 1 "Consider two triangles, XYZ and PQR. Which of the following pairs of triangles are congruent?" 1 "Calculate the simple interest "'"on `656 at 12.5% for 4.5 years" 1 "Brackets are added to make the working easier." 1 "Begin with the quantity you haveto calculate." 1 "Begin with what you have to calculate. Let the number of 50 pence tickets sold = q" 1 "At the end of each programme press ""n"" to load the next programme, press ""r"" to rerun the same programme or press ""b"" to goto BASIC." 1 "At all points in the programmes where a user response is needed you will be prompted with the appropriate options. Therefore it is NOT necessary to memorise these instructions." 1 "Area MNPQ = 18cm 1 "Any number can be written as avalue between one and ten multiplied by a power of 10. In this example, the number betweenone and ten is 2.46, therefore:" 1 "An index of the programmes is given on the next display page. Operating instructions follow the programme index." 1 "Always do the same to both sidesof the equation. l is inside a square root and this is removed by squaring both sides of the equation." 1 "Always do the same to both sidesof the equation" 1 "Also"'"Sin 1 "After a sample answer display press SPACE for the next question or ENTER to rerun the same question." 1 "Additionally at the end of each programme, the next programme on the index can be loaded automatically if required." 1 "Add 6 to both sides of the": 1 "Add 2p to both sides of the": 1 "Add 14 to both sides of the equation" 1 "A student buys a red pen for 45pand a blue pen for `1.80. The ratio,"''"cost of red pen:cost of blue pen"''"is:" 1 "A student obtains examination marks of 64%, 80%, 75%, 45%, 50%56%, 85%, and 73%."''"The average mark is:" 1 "A man at the top of a cliff, h feet above the beach sees a boatin the sea at an angle of depression of y 1 "A father is three times as old as his son. He is also 20 years older than his son. The son's age is" 1 "A cricketer scores 21,35,0,40,12in 5 successive innings."'"What does he score in his sixth innings, if his average for the 6 innings is 26?" 1 "A car travels 50km at 25km/h andthen travels 60km at 20km/h. Theaverage speed for the whole journey is:" 1 "A car drives from a town M on a bearing of 060 1 "A car accelerates from rest for 30 seconds, travels at constant speed for 40 seconds and then decelerates for 20 seconds (see"; 1 "A boy sells a motor bike for `1800 making a loss of 10%"'"The boy bought the bike for:" 1 "A school sells one thousand tickets for a school play, some at 50p and the remainder at `1. If the total money received is `600, the number of tickets soldat 50p is" 1 "A ratio compares two or more quantities. The quantities mustbe in the same units so that theratio does not have any units." 1 "A newsagent buys pencils at `28.80 a gross and sells them at25p each. If the total selling price for all the pencils is `108, the newsagent will make a total profit of:" 1 "A man sells a car for `1320making a loss of 12%. The man bought the car for" 1 "A car travels for 2 hours at 50mph and then for 1 hour at 80mph. The average speed of the car for the whole journey is:" 1 "90p in `1","`1.11 in `1","55p in `1","5.5p in `1","85p in `1" 1 "80 pupils study French"'"70 pupils study English","75 pupils study Maths" 1 "65mph","30mph","55mph","60mph","130mph" 1 "50","52.5","25.3","50.6","25" 1 "400cc","1238cc","550cc","2475cc","1100cc" 1 "40% of 871, to 2 significant figures is:" 1 "40 pupils study French & English"'"25 pupils study English & Maths"'"30 pupils study French & Maths": 1 "3 XY = PQ, YZ = QR, XZ = PR" 1 "3 or -2","-3 or 2","-6 or 1","6 or -1","1 or 0" 1 "2460000 in standard form is:": 1 "220 people went to night classesin painting, writing and pottery" 1 "20 went to painting and writing"'"25 went to writing and pottery"'"12 went to painting and pottery" 1 "2.808","28.08","280.8","2808","28080" 1 "18","48","31","24","27" 1 "150","15","1.5","0.15","0.015" 1 "15","200","57","220","7" 1 "13m+3n","7m+9n","13m-3n","7m-9n","7m-3n" 1 "120 went to painting classes"'"80 went to writing classes"'"70 went to pottery classes" 1 "10111+1001+11 = 23+9+3 = 35 1 "10111","11011","11100","1101","1011" 1 "10111 + 1001 + 11 = 23 + 9 + 3": 1 "1 XY = PQ, 1 "0.5","5","2","50","0.02" 1 "-1 1 1 -6 -4"'" 0 0 0 -6 -6"'" 1 1 -1 -6 -6" 1 ",," 14" 1 ","p","6p-2p 1 ","d",5600 1 ","c",4600 1 ","c",3620 1 ","b) hSiny 1 ","b) 1 or -4"; 1 ","a",7020 1 ","a",4200 1 ","4p","-10p 1 ","0.8x10","0.08x10 1 "," gT"'"a) 1 "," 36 11" 1 "(SP=`1320, loss=12%)" 1 "(2p+3q)(5p-2q)","(10p+q)(p-6q)","(5p+2q)(2p-3q)","(10p-q)(p+6q)","(2p+3q)(5p+2q)" 1 "(1)(-20), (-1)(20)"'"(2)(-10), (-2)(10)"'"(4)(-5) , (-4)(5)" 1 "'," 6" 1 "'," 2a" 1 "''"XW = WZ"'''" 1 "''"The locus of P is" 1 "'"e 24.6x10 1 "'"c 246x10 1 "'"b 20x10 1 "'"a 2x10 1 "'"Incorrect combination" 1 "'"Correct combination" 1 "'"10+y+5+y+20+y"'"+30-y+40-y"'"+25-y+y = 150"'" " 1 "'"(opposite 1 "'"(angle in a"'"semicircle)" 1 "'"(Base angles"'"of isosceles 1 "'""'"OP is"'"parallel"'"to MN"''" 1 "'" p + 1" 1 "'" = 16+9"''"LM = 1 "'" 9 2" 1 "'" -(-2) 1 "'" T"," T 1 "'" 2a " 1 "'" (p-2)(p+1) 2(3p-2)" 1 "'" h" 1 "'" 6 " 1 "'" 4 4 4 4" 1 "'" 3" 1 "'" 1 "'" 1 "","","","","" 1 " Z receives ` 1 " Cost of red pen = 45p" 1 " Cost of blue pen = `1.80 = 180p" 1 " 40% of 871 = 1 " 2 4 -2 -6 -4"'" 3 9 -3 -6 0"'" 4 16 -4 -6 6" 1 " 1001 = 8 + 0 + 0 + 1 = 9" 1 " Let son's age = y years" 1 " A number to two significant figures means that 2 digits are needed together with any noughtsnecessary to show the positionof the decimal point. In 348.4 three places are occupied beforethe decimal point. To two significant figures 1 " 2p + 3p - 6 = 4 - 2p + 2p" 1 " Total tickets sold = 1000"'"Total `1 tickets sold = 1000-q" 1 " No. of girls= 1 " 11 = 2 + 1 = 3" 1 " 0.0084 1 " 7 2","d) 1 " 6(3m-4) 6(2-5m) 7" 1 " 6 "; 1 " 47 "; 1 " 2q+p"'"e) 1 " 2460000 = 2.46 x 10 1 " 1"'"e) 2 1 " -88xCP = -132000" 1 " = `169,820,000" 1 " = ` 4,245,500" 1 " 800 = q"''"i.e. Number of 50p tickets sold = 800." 1 " 3 5 2 4" 1 " 2 1 1 1" 1 " 12xCP = 100xCP - 1320x100" 1 " 12xCP - 100xCP = -132000" 1 " Loss = 1 " 5 1 " 394 = 3x10 1 " 2 1 " 0 R1 the answer." 1 " 2 4 4" 1 " 1 1 3" 1 " = 300 + 90 + 4" 1 " ": 1 " " 1 " 1 x = -2 or 3" 1 x 871 = 348.4" 1 to the base 5 is:" 1 to both sides"; 1 to a town NThe bearing of N from M is" 1 or 1"'" -6 -6"; 1 or -3"'" 2" 1 or -1"'" 3" 1 of total" 1 of total = 96" 1 is half the areaof a parallelogram on the same base and between"'"the same parallels" 1 is equal to halfthe base times the perpendicularheight." 1 in area."'"R divides NP so"'"that:" 1 in a semicircle is a rightangle. In 1 in 20 seconds." 1 from both sides of the equation." 1 divides the side opposite in theratio of the sides"'"containing the angle." 1 and P=3atm, V=" 1 and P=2atm, V=800cc"''"When T=297 1 Y","d",7700 1 Y means X is a subset of B"''"y E Y means y is an element of Y" 1 Y is the union of X and Y"''"X' is the complement of X and X' = 1 Y is the intersection of thesets X and Y" 1 ML LP 3"' 1 CELTIC REVISION SOFTWARE " 1 = 375 + 0 + 15 + 4" 1 = 0.6"'" 5" 1 78 Remainder 4": 1 180 = 160 + y + y"'" 1 15 Remainder 3 i.e.": 1 1 R0 which checks with" 1 0.13 is:": 1 0.042 is": 1 0.001 is" 1 -x -6 y"; 1 -p -2 6p -4" 1 -20m","24m 1 +p -2 6p 1 +4m","e",3560 1 +3p -6"'"a) 1 + 9x10 + 4x1": 1 + 2as s is required." 1 + 2as s equals:" 1 + 0 + 3x5 + 4x1 1 (sum"'"of the 1 (k=positive c=positive)"' 1 (XOY is a"'"straight line)"'" 1 then Tan 1 is the universal set from which all subsets are formed"''"X 1 i.e. x = -1 1 for 10km and then travels for a further 10km on a bearing of 040 1 = 22km/h"; 1 3 Remainder 0 394 1 20 = 2y"'" 10 1 "'" 2 1 the letters can be placed immediately as:"; 1 b) 3"'" p + 1" 1 56 + 25"; 1 in 30 seconds and decelerates from 60 ms 1 - Remainder 3 1 e) 1 4"'" PN =